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Narongtham Karnjananukoolpong
Kietchai Veerayannon
Anan Thamchalai


This research study is a meta-analysis on entrepreneurship. The objectives are: 1) To study the characteristics of research that studies entrepreneurship. 2) To find factors that are related to entrepreneurship. 3) To study the relationship structure model of factors related to entrepreneurship. 4) To summarize knowledge from the findings and present guidelines for promoting entrepreneurship. It is a meta-analysis on entrepreneurship. The population used for the study is Research that studies entrepreneurship. They are research articles, research reports, theses, and dissertations. Published in academic journals, both Thai and foreign, in the period 2018 - 2022. Searched from Web of Science (WoS), Google Scholar, ResearchGate, Academia, Science Direct, a total of 548 studies were selected. Remaining 173 studies. The results of the research yielded 764 correlation values in the form of correlation coefficients. The combined effect size before and after transforming Z - Fisher value is equal to 0.472 and 0.563, divided into 95 results correlation values of intention factors, there is a combined effect size equal to 0.760 and it is a partial correlation value of 669 bivariable. The combined effect sizes are divided into subgroups classified according to the factor structure that is related to entrepreneurship. It can be concluded that the entrepreneurial support factor group affects the entrepreneurial characteristics factor group and the planned behavior theory factor group, which has 3 main components: attitude, personal norm, and perceived behavioral control. Affects the intention to become an entrepreneur. and received guidelines for supporting entrepreneurship from supporting factors in 4 areas, namely entrepreneurship education Perception of support Inspiration from role models and network of relationships in creating motivation.

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How to Cite
Karnjananukoolpong, N., Veerayannon, K., & Thamchalai, A. (2023). META-ANALYSIS OF FACTORS RELATED TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(11), 225–238. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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