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Apichart Buabkhom
Songwut Trangwattana


This research aims to 1) study not - drinking and driving behavior among adolescents in the northern region, 2) study factors influencing not - drinking and driving behavior among adolescents in the northern region, 3) develop the causal relationship model of the enforcement of laws that influencing adolescent not - drinking and driving behavior in the northern region. The research is quantitative, utilizing a questionnaire as a data collection tool from a randomly sampled group of 360 adolescents in the northern region. The data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation, and structural equation modeling. The research findings indicate that not - drinking and driving behavior of adolescents is at a moderate level. Factors influencing not - drinking and driving behavior among adolescents in the northern region are not - drinking and driving Intention, attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and perceived Legal measures at much level. The causal relationship model was congruent with the empirical data. At a .01 significant level, factors have positive direct influence on not - drinking and driving intention include attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control that explain variance of not - drinking and driving intention (R2) about 84%, factors have positive direct influence on not - drinking and driving behavior include not - drinking and driving intention, attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and perceived Legal measures respectively that explain variance of not - drinking and driving behavior (R2) about 80%.

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How to Cite
Buabkhom, A., & Trangwattana, S. (2023). CASUAL RELATIONSHIP OF LAW ENFORCEMENT INFLUENCING NOT - DRINKING AND DRIVING BEHAVIOR OF NORTHERN ADOLESCENTS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 7(11), 283–293. retrieved from
Research Articles


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