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This was synthesis research. The objectives of this research were to study 1) research patterns 2) results of the research and 3) the analysis and synthesis of agricultural extension and development guidelines. The population of this research was 584 theses. The sample size of 114 theses was determined by using purposive sampling method. using descriptive statistics, T-test, analysis of variance, multivariate regression analysis, factor analysis, and content analysis. The results of the research found that 1) most of the researchers were female with the average age of 34.68 years old, worked at the department of agricultural extension research to study from farmers in the operation and practices according to agricultural product standard The scope of the study was mainly at the district level. quantitative research model 2) The results of the research study found that most of the farmers were female with the average age of 53.12 years old, primary school education, agricultural experience of 16.87 years, member in the household of 3.89 people, labor of 2.46 people, agricultural area of 19.58 Rai, production area of 14.38 Rai, invested with their own funding, and received the information from agricultural extension officers. Farmers had the production system, which consisted of 4 steps: 1) preparation and cultivation; 2) maintenance; 3) harvest and post-harvest; and 4) distribution, restoration, and product processing, that practiced according to production standard at the highest level except for data recording and checking which was at the moderate level. 3) Knowledge in the agricultural production was more than the knowledge receiving. The main data resource was from the agricultural extension officers. Farmers in each type of production had needs for extension with no difference. Hence, the model consisted of 3 parts such as farmers, agricultural extension officer, and knowledge; component of the research to seek the truth was such as the principle on agricultural extension and development conduct; and the component regarding academic transfer such as extension forms in 4 patterns: publicity, field practice, extension by academician, and e-extension. The extension of media had 3 types: academic publication, technology transfer, and academic distribution to farmers.
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