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wasana Boonyamanee
Kulthirat Saiseesoob
Supit Kulchai


This article aims to present background. of local care volunteers who take care of dependent elderly people in the community from the outbreak situation of coronavirus disease 2019, it has an impact on individuals. Society and country especially economic problems local government organization Organized training for local care volunteers According to the plan that aims to revive the economy and society. and the Royal Decree authorizing the Ministry of Finance to borrow money to solve economic and social rehabilitation problems affected by the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Interior regarding local care volunteers of local government organizations and reimbursement of expenses. B.E. 2019 Assessing the readiness of services of local government organizations, care volunteers, the elderly by basic health services. Rehabilitation, physical therapy, and completed a 70-hour training course from the Department of Health, consisting of 1) daily living care, 2) basic health care, 3) environmental care. and coordination Serves 2-4 seniors per local care volunteer. According to the care plan for the elderly, work 8 hours per day, 20 days per month, compensation 5000 baht per month, additional training 50 hours, National Committee Elderly increased 6,000-baht, work is controlled by Elderly care manager (CARE MANAGER) performance results It was found that local offices in 76 provinces organized their own training for local care volunteers, giving people income. and household consumption increased, 15,548 new local occupations were created, 62,192 dependent elderly people received care. and very satisfied Suggestions from Elderly people and communities It is expected that local administrative organizations Providing continuous care services for the elderly who are dependent in the area for a good and sustainable quality of life for the elderly Prepare to enter the aging society (Aging Society)

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How to Cite
Boonyamanee, wasana, Saiseesoob, K., & Kulchai, S. (2024). CARE COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS FOR ELDERLY WITH DEPENDENCY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(2), 273–284. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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