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Manee Srisamut
Wittayatorn Tokeaw


Academic article on strategies for using specialized newspapers to create effective local election campaigns. The article presents various methods and techniques for utilizing media to design and produce content that emphasizes the desired attributes of local political leaders. The selection of appropriate media is crucial and must be tailored to the target audience. The content of the message, including words, images, symbols, and creativity, should be carefully crafted to ensure the desired impact on the audience. The article also emphasizes the importance of page layout design and presentation to build networks and connect local communities. The production and selection of media should be aimed at creating awareness, recognition, and popularity among the target audience. The article suggests that the media strategy should be consistent in both the channel used and the frequency of access to maximize reach and impact. It also emphasizes the importance of considering the benefits and values of the media strategy, such as creating awareness, acceptance, and positive feelings. The article specifically focuses on the use of specialized newspapers for local election campaigns. It suggests planning the use of such newspapers to target the desired audience and utilizing different production and distribution strategies than those used for mainstream media. The article also recommends using concise and easy-to-understand messages that highlight the desirable attributes of local political leaders. In addition, the article suggests using new media, such as e-books and infographics, to reach online communities. Overall, the article emphasizes the importance of creating powerful political communication that can create belief, encourage behavior, and build popularity among the target audience.

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How to Cite
Srisamut, M., & Tokeaw, W. (2024). STRATEGIES FOR USING SPECIALIZED NEWSPAPERS TO CAMPAIGN FOR LOCAL POLITICAL ELECTIONS. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(2), 11–22. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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