Main Article Content
This research article aims 1) to study necessary foundation data, 2) to construct and verifying the curriculums’ quality, 3) to implement the curriculum, and 4) to evaluate an enhanced curriculum. This research and development methodology involved four steps as follows: Step 1 is to study foundational data for curriculum development by surveying the conditions and requirements, studying relevant concepts and documents, and collecting data through interviews with scholars and experts. Step 2 is to construct and verifying the curriculums’ quality, conducting a pilot study. Subsequently, revising the curriculum and its manual. Step 3 is to implement the curriculum with 30 volunteer teachers at Anubanchun School (Ban Bua Sathan). And step 4 is to evaluate the curriculum. The results at each step were presented as follows: 1) Based on the foundational data findings, the developed curriculum should have content covering 7 topics, namely: 1.1) active learning strategies, 1.2) active learning techniques, 1.3) active learning design, 1.4) active learning lesson plan writing, 1.5) media and learning resources utilization, 1.6) creating conducive classroom environments, and 1.7) learning outcomes assessment from active learning approaches. 2) The enhanced curriculum comprises six components: Principles, Objectives, Structure and content, Process, Learning materials; and Assessment. The process involves five stages: situation analysis, planning, acting, observing, and reflecting on the outcomes. 3) Post-curriculum implementation, teachers' competencies in active learning management were higher than the criteria of 75 percent at the statistical significance level of .05. 4) Teachers’ opinion through input, process, and output of the enhanced curriculum was at a high level.
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