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Phra Ratchapol Luengthonhthong
Noppawan Wisedsin


          This research aims to 1) study the general conditions of cultural tourism at Wat Prayurawongsawas Worawihan under the new normal condition and 2) study ways to promote cultural tourism of Wat Prayuruangsawas Worawihan under the new normal condition using qualitative research methods. From document study and in - depth interviews with a key informant of 15 people, selected purposively. The research tools used were in - depth interviews. The results of the research found that there are important factors that have made the cultural tourism of Wat Prayurawongsawas Worawihan successful in the past, including: the distinctiveness of the temple's architecture and cultural integration and traditions of various religions, the coexistence of the 3 religions in harmony including a) outstanding surrounding environment of the temple that has a beautiful Buddhist temple area, b) landscaping and the architecture inside the temple has a variety of buildings and c.)Cultural and social aspects, surrounded by communities of 4 cultures that stand for 3 religions, and D. Convenience and modernity in an era where the world is changing with technology that combines Guidelines for promoting cultural tourism of Wat Prayurawongsawas Worawihan under the new normal is a.) he need for coordination and cooperation between temples, communities, and government agencies. to create understanding and jointly develop a holistic plan for cultural tourism through the community of Temple, b.) there should be a diverse, extensive, and comprehensive public relations plan under the festival that includes community activities. And religion is the annual calendar and must attract tourists and Buddhists. By facilitating the solution of traffic problems. Arranging for the community to participate in cultural tourism and provide security for tourists to facilitate Convenience with access to tourist attractions Temples should develop technology to create measures to prevent various epidemics.

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Luengthonhthong, P. R., & Wisedsin, N. (2024). THE CULTURAL TOURISM PROMOTION OF WAT PRAYURAWONGSAWASWARRAWIHARN UNDER THE NEW NORMAL. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(3), 251–263. Retrieved from
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