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The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study the level of students competencies according to the concept of sustainable development, leadership of administrators, learning management of teachers, and students; 2) to study the relationship of factors which had influencing students competencies according to the concept of sustainable development; and 3) to identify the direct, indirect and total effects. The samples were 330 people, including teachers in schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office in Samut Prakan via a Likert scale questionnaire. The findings were as follows: 1) the level of factors and students competencies according to the concept of sustainable development was at a high level.; 2) the relationship with factors and students competencies according to the concept of sustainable development (r =0.436 - 0.656, p< .01) were positive; 3) the direct effects occurred from two causal factors, learning management of teachers and students (DE = .3945 and .5044, respectively, p< .05); the indirect effects of learning management of teachers through students (IE = .3429, p< .05); the indirect effects of leadership of administrators through learning management of teachers and students (IE .5935, p< .05). A comparison of factors influencing from the greatest to the least were learning management of teachers (TE = .7374), leadership of administrators (TE=.5935) and student (TE = .5044), respectively. The structural equation modeling was consistent with empirical data which index was Chi-Square = 12.440, df = 11.00, Relative Chi-Square = 1.131, p-value = .3310, GFI Index = .9950, CFI Index = .9990, AGFI Index = .9490, RMSEA = .0200, RMR = .0100, SRMR = .0125 and factors could explain 68.06% of the variance in students competencies according to the concept of sustainable development (R2 = .6806)
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