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Phrakrupalad Suwattanabuddhikun (Suthep Deeyiam)


This article aims to present a policy perspective for driving the community economy with Soft Power for sustainable development through the policy of 1 family, 1 skill. Soft Power for the development of the grassroots economy still has challenges in the issue of potential development. This is because more than half of the low-income population are people who do not participate in economic activities. Have a low level of education and skills Including the implementation of government policies which are separated from the central government. Unable to answer the different problems in each area, it is a chain problem that prevents the country from developing. Therefore, policies to drive the community economy efficiently Emphasis should be placed on developing the potential and capacity of the grassroots economy. Especially personal development by creating soft power at the local level, it will be successful. It is not only that the government wants to find out what resources the area has. These traditional cultures are already accepted in local areas and some parts of Thailand. Therefore, the government must have a duty to set goals for raising the level of soft power, such as focusing on driving the policy of 1 family, 1 soft power skill, starting with "human development" and bringing valuable "intellectual assets" to be known around the world. Create more jobs and increase income Focusing on managing the entire system from upstream, midstream, and downstream through a process that drives 5 gears, starting with access to production factors. Knowledge creation, marketing, communication creates awareness. And management, such as supporting the development of OTOP products by developing the grassroots economy to create opportunities and social equality.

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How to Cite
(Suthep Deeyiam), P. S. . (2024). POLICY FOR DRIVING THE COMMUNITY ECONOMY WITH SOFT POWER FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(5), 27–38. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/272908
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