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Saengduean Phromkaewngam
Araya Jeranukul
Nun Kritsana Raksachom
Saimai Tumwijit
Patchralita Chatwalitpong


This interpretative phenomenological qualitative study aimed to explore lived experience of participation in online chanting program among people with advanced colorectal cancer receiving chemotherapy. The informants were seven people with advanced colorectal cancer taking part in the online chanting program. Data was collected using individual in-depth interviews, observation, and visiting records. Data were analyzed using content analysis. Lincoln and Guba’s criteria were used to ensure trustworthiness of the findings. The study findings were identified as four main aspects. The first aspect was “benefits of chanting”, that involved having connectedness to encounter catastrophe during period of illness and treatment as well as having good company (Kalyànamittatà) who share knowledge about chanting and its benefits and offer counselling for Dhamma and health. The second one was “obstacles and key to success of chanting”. The obstacles were fatigue and physical discomfort after receiving chemotherapy. The keys to success were faith, goodwill, effort, truthfulness, and awareness of possible consequences. The third aspect was “positive outcomes of chanting” such as mindfulness and concentration, peacefulness, and reduced anxiety, strong mind, and improved emotional and physical health. The last aspect was that the online chanting was suitable for persons with illness as they did not need to travel to join the program, giving rise to convenience in time and personal life. It is suggested that use of the Buddhist way for person with illness who receives treatment should be provided by healthcare personnel and the experts in Dhamma principle and application of Dhamma principle for daily life. Online chanting is also recommended for continuous follow-up.

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How to Cite
Phromkaewngam, S., Jeranukul, A., Raksachom, N. K., Tumwijit, S., & Chatwalitpong, P. (2024). LIVED EXPERIENCES OF PARTICIPATION IN ONLINE CHANTING PROGRAM IN PEOPLE WITH ADVANCED COLORECTAL CANCER RECEIVING CHEMOTHERAPY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(4), 87–99. Retrieved from
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