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Chattrakul Panuthai
Chareerat Udomvirojsin
Jurairat Udomvirojsin
Pittaya Boonkongsen
Oratai Yamaod


The purposes of this study were to: 1) study the emotional intelligence of youth in Suphanburi Province and 2) compare the emotional intelligence of youth in Suphanburi Province. This research is a quantitativeresearch. The sample group was youth aged between 12-17 years old in Suphan Buri Province, totaling 1,000 people with a simple sampling method. The instruments used to collect data were Emotional Intelligence Test for teenagers aged 12-17 years. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, t-test, and ANOVA. This research has set the significance level at the .05 level. The data will be presented in the form of a table accompanying the essay. The research results found that: 1) Emotional intelligence of youth in Suphanburi Province, all three aspects consist of three sub-aspects: 1) good side, 1.1) self-control = 17.96, 1.2) Sympathy for others = 18.80, 1.3) responsibility = 19.35, 2) the skill side consists of 3 sub-sides: 2.1) motivation = 16.80, 2.2) decision making and problem solving = 16.22, 2.3) relationships = 16.00 and 3) the happiness side consists of 3 sub-sides: 3.1) self-esteem = 10.89, 3.2) satisfaction with life = 18.10, 3.3) happiness and peace of mind. =17.33 by all aspects of emotional intelligence and all sub-aspects within the range of normal scores.; 2) Comparing the emotional intelligence of youth in Suphanburi Province, it was found that there were differences in gender, age, and educational level. And the different residential districts, it was found that the differences in emotional intelligence were statistically significant at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Panuthai, C., Udomvirojsin, C., Udomvirojsin, J., Boonkongsen, P., & Yamaod, O. (2024). A STUDY OF THE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ON YOUTH IN SUPHANBURI PROVIENCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(6), 206–215. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/273389
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