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Ratnang Tulawan
Wichian Lattipongpun


The objective of this study was to investigate the science-based narrative elements of the series Side by Side Pee-Nong-Look-Kon-Kai. This research is based on a qualitative research, data analysis from 8 episodes of serial drama, interview articles, and books about people directly involved in communicating the science content in the series which are screenwriters, directors, and actors. The study found that science content on autism issues is inserted in every narrative element. as follows; Plot: Exposition begins by showing the relationship of a family whose member has autism, Rising Action based on different conflicts of the main characters and the struggle between autistic ideologies, Climax contains 2 sets of conflicts, Falling Action shows information on the care of people with autism from experts and show positive results, Resolution creates euphoria after a person with autism faces a test and allows viewers to ponder the lives of people with autism, Theme: the importance of love in a family with a member with autism, Conflict: conflict between people and people and conflicts with society or groups of people, Characters: shows an introduction to the audience's recognizable autism and specific Asperger syndrome information, Dialogue: use emotionally laced language to communicate autistic content, Scene: using the criteria of the lifestyle of an autistic character and the Ending: contain 2 endings 1) surprise ending and 2) realistic ending that allows viewers to ponder the future of people with autism.

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How to Cite
Tulawan, R., & Lattipongpun, W. (2024). A STUDY OF NARRATIVE ELEMENTS WITH SCIENTIFIC CONTENT FROM SIDE BY SIDE PEE-NONG-LOOK-KON-KAI. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(6), 98–106. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/273633
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