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Jeerayuth Phuttaraksapitak
Witoon Thacha


The objectives of this research were to: 1) changes in expected and unexpected results from collaborative actions to increase teachers' educational leadership capabilities; 2) learning from collaborative actions to increase teachers' educational leadership capabilities in the researcher co-researchers and school 3) Knowledge gained from collaborative actions to increase teachers' educational leadership capabilities, a grounded theory emerged in the specific context of Jaturamit Wittayakarn School. It employed Participatory Action Research methodology. The informants were the deputy director and 52 teachers using observational and in-depth interviews. Group interview form Evaluation form for achieving expectations. The researcher and co-researchers collected data. Descriptive statistics were used: percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The actions were carried out in three phases: before and after the first cycle and after the second cycle. The findings revealed that the expected change was the co-researchers brought "principles/concepts/techniques/methods/activities" into more practice with averages of 2.12, 3.08, and 4.17, and the results of the evaluation of the 5 aspects had a higher overall average from 2.86 to 3.50 and 4.54, As a result, the co-researchers have characteristics that showed

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How to Cite
Phuttaraksapitak, J., & Thacha, W. (2024). COLLABORATIVE ACTIONS TO INCREASE TEACHERS’ EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP CAPABILITIES. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(5), 267–278. Retrieved from
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