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Somchai Ketmai
Chomsupak Cruthaka
Woranut Yamsang
Duangduen Chancharoen


This research aimed to 1) study the conditions and problems in operating as a high-performance organization of the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission. 2) create the High Performance Organization model for the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission. 3) evaluate the high performance organization model for the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission. The study as a research and develop was divided into three steps, as follow : 1) Study situations and problems for the high-performance organization of the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission with The in-depth interviews method, conducted with a total of 10 people, Specific selection methods involved in operating as a high-performance organization. The tool was a semi-structured interview form. The data was used of content analysis. 2) Create a High Performance Organizational model for the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission. Using the Delphi technique from 18 experts that chosen by research objectives. Researcher analyses the data with content, average score and standard deviations. 3) Assess the high performance organization model for the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission through a group discussion with 9 experts that chosen by research objectives to assess its suitability possibility and usefulness. The data was analyzed by content analysis, Average score and the standard deviation. The results revealed that 1) The operating conditions are a high-performance organization of the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, with operations being carried out through various plans with clear responsible persons. Operational problems: It was found that some of the management was redundant and has administrative limitations. 2) The high-performance organizational model for the Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission consists of 5 elements : Organizational upgrading, Creating value and sustainability of the organization, Creating human capital value, Creating innovation and Moving towards a digital organization 3) Experts agreed that all components of the model were appropriate, possible and useful at highest level.

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How to Cite
Ketmai, S., Cruthaka, C., Yamsang, W., & Chancharoen, D. (2024). THE DEVELOPMENT OF HIGT PERFORMANCE ORGANIZATION MODEL FOR THE OFFIC OF THE NATIONAL BROADCASTING AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(5), 128–138. Retrieved from
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