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Orawan Boontun
Rachanee Pothitan


The objectives of this research were as follows: 1) to study the situation of sustainable community forest resource management, 2) to identify good practices that contribute to success in sustainable community forest management, and 3) to develop a self-management model for sustainable community forest management. This study employs a mixed-methods research approach. Quantitatively, it uses a self-assessment tool for community-based forest resource management. The sample group includes community members who manage forest resources in public forest areas, national reserved forest areas, and protected areas, as well as those who have received Green Globe awards, totaling 14 communities. Statistical analysis is conducted using averages and standard deviations by purposive sample. Qualitatively, the study employs tools such as in-depth interviews and focus groups. Key informants include community leaders, local scholars, local authorities, Community Forest Committee members, forest users, and youth groups, totaling 15 people per community. The research results found that: 1) Most communities have very good levels of forest resource management, prioritizing the management of forest resource boundaries. Following this, in order of importance, are forest health management, access to resources, sharing of benefits, and food security. 2) Good practices that contribute to success in sustainable community forest management include the participation of all involved parties, mutual information exchange, and decentralization of management. 3) The sustainable community forest management model involves 4 steps: monitoring and inspecting the management situation, reflection and review, activity planning and development, and improvement and correction. These processes must involve a variety of stakeholder groups participating at every step. 

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How to Cite
Boontun, O., & Pothitan, R. (2024). DEVELOPING A SELF-MANAGEMENT MODEL FOR SUCCESSFUL SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY FOREST MANAGEMENT. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(6), 22–34. retrieved from
Research Articles


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