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Patcharapa Kerdphoksap
Sathin Prachanban
Anan Malarat


This research is survey research. The objective is to study the situations, problems, and needs for physical education learning management in netball. The participants consisted of four teachers with expertise in teaching netball and 20 secondary students with netball learning experience. The teachers and students, being from four schools with different contexts, were selected by purposive sampling. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview. The qualitative data was compared and analyzed using inductive content analysis. The result found that most schools used a 5-step learning process; there were learning activities about the history of netball, receiving and passing ball skills, movement skills, shooting skills, and team skills. Those activities could not attract students’ attention because they were redundant. There were criteria that did not cover learning objectives. Some students needed more attractive learning activities and easy-access learning media. It indicated that it was necessary to develop a physical education learning model for netball. The learning model should have (1) comprehensive content, (2) attractive modern learning activities, and (3) effective learning media. Comprehensive content consists of both knowledge and physical skills about netball. Effective learning media are easy to access, support students in reviewing the lesson by themselves, and improve academic achievement and physical skill in netball.

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How to Cite
Kerdphoksap, P., Prachanban, S., & Malarat, A. (2024). SITUATIONS, PROBLEMS, AND NEEDS FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION LEARNING MANAGEMENT IN NETBALL. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(5), 246–255. Retrieved from
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