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Chanikant Kukeati


This research aims to study the techniques for creating humor in travelogues by Vichai Matakul through the analysis of his four travelogues including "Saga Aoi: Living Creatures in Japan," "Travel Journal of Vichai Matakul: A Thai-Chinese Who Has Never Been to China but Dreams of Visiting the Great Wall, Seeing the Bird's Nest Stadium, and Buying a Pair of Nike Shoes," "Mission Possible Japan Super Bowl," and "Yodaya Boy." The research employs document analysis and descriptive analysis methods. The findings reveal that the author uses seven humor creation strategies: 1. exaggeration, 2. satire, 3. faulty logic, 4. symbolism, 5. surprise, 6. sarcasm of individuals or society, and 7. direct description or narration. In each book, multiple techniques are used to evoke laughter and to make the readers impressed because each technique has unique characteristic for generating humor depending on the content's context. Furthermore, using these techniques not only entertains the readers but also play a role in reflecting and critiquing social aspects. The findings of this research help readers understand how humor is created in Thai literature particularly in travelogue, which contributes to disseminating knowledge and inspiring readers. The findings of this study can also be applied in authoring and studying humor creation in Thai literature.

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How to Cite
Kukeati, C. (2024). HUMOR CREATING STRATEGIES IN TRAVELOGUE BOOKS WRITTEN BY VICHAI MATAKUL. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(7), 162–170. Retrieved from
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