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Boonyanuch Nakha
Pichaya Koomquan
Ratchapon Yamkeep


The synthesis of research in the social sciences, humanities, and fine arts of Thammasat University between 2013 and 2021 aims to survey the amount and synthesize the types of research in the social sciences, humanities, and fine arts of faculty and researchers affiliated with faculties, colleges, and institutes. Various things lead to the discovery of more clear knowledge. I have seen the research gaps that do not respond to the needs of strategic issues at the international, national, and university levels. This leads to setting the direction of research studies and research development in the next phase by collecting information from The Research Administration Division and Thammasat University Research and Consulting Institute mainly and additional information from 20 faculties, colleges, and institutes found that there are 1,660 ongoing research works, averaging 180 - 220 subjects per year. The faculty with the most research work is Commerce and Accountancy, at 32.17 percent, followed by Coming down to the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Media at 9.34 percent, Faculty of Economics at 8.91 percent, Faculty of Political Science at 8.80 percent, respectively, which is in the same direction as the type of research, with Economics having the most at 41.08 percent and Information Technology and Communication Arts at 16.45 percent. and the field of political science and public administration, 8.80 percent. Most of the work is consistent with the 20 - year national strategy (2018 - 2037) in terms of security, balancing, and developing the public administration system with issues of political science and law. and Communication Arts and Mass Communication Creating competitiveness through economic issues but some areas are still in small numbers, such as sociology with 1.39 percent, liberal arts with 1.14 percent, including psychology, education, social geography, and economics. and other humanities account for less than 1 percent.

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How to Cite
Nakha, B., Koomquan, P., & Yamkeep, R. (2024). RESEARCH SYNTHESIS IN SOCIAL SCIENCES, HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS OF THAMMASAT UNIVERSITY DURING 2014 - 2021. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(7), 25–36. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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