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Wipongchai Rongkhankaew


This research article aims to 1) develop the quality of video podcasts to promote knowledge on effective digital leisure, and 2) study the effects of video podcasts in promoting knowledge on digital leisure. This experimental research involves a sample group of 46 undergraduate students from the Recreation Leadership program at the Faculty of Physical Education, Srinakharinwirot University, who are leaders in their activities and their major. The research tools include questionnaires and tests, collected by distributing tests and satisfaction questionnaires. The statistics used in the research are mean, standard deviation, and t-test, with descriptive data analysis. The findings of the research are as follows: 1) The overall quality of the video podcasts, developed by content experts, was rated as good. When considering each aspect, the quality was good in all areas. The overall quality assessment by media experts was also rated as good, with each aspect being good. 2) The video podcasts aimed at promoting knowledge on effective digital leisure time usage met the 80/80 efficiency criterion. Three trials were conducted. The first trial involved evaluating and checking the quality of the video podcasts for further improvement. In the second trial, the video podcasts had an efficiency (E1/E2) of 84.33/88.66, and in the third trial, the efficiency (E1/E2) was 81.11/87.88. The post-learning average scores on knowledge and understanding of digital leisure were significantly higher than the pre-learning scores at the .05 level. The overall satisfaction with the video podcasts was very high. When considering each aspect, satisfaction was highest in all areas.

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How to Cite
Rongkhankaew, W. (2024). THE DEVELOPMENT OF VIDEO PODCAST TO STRENGTHEN THE KNOWLEDGE OF DIGITAL LEISURE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(7), 198–207. retrieved from
Research Articles


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