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Nattanart Srilert
Phra Pidokkoson
Phrakruthammathon Phaiboon Ñāṇavipulo


This research article aims to 1) to study the risk management in the situation of COVID-19 performed by Government Provincial Public Health service centers in Ratchaburi Province, 2) to study the movement of the risk management and Buddhist methods supporting to the management in the situation of COVID-19 and 3) to present the Buddhist methods in the risk management in the situation of COVID-19 of the Government Provincial Public Health Organizations in Ratchaburi Province. This is Qualitative Research by collecting the data from the deep intensive interview of 30 persons and to present the informative data in the form of Analytical Narrative Discussion. The research results are found that: 1) The risk management in the situation of COVID-19 of Government Provincial Health service centeers in Ratchaburi province in the way to solve the problems of abnormal infective disease with the measurement to protect and control the widespread of COVID-19 intensively. However, 2) The risk management process and Buddhist principles that promote management Risk is integrated into a framework. And 3) Propose Buddhist methods for managing risk in the COVID-19 outbreak situation in all 4 areas: 3.1) the ways to accept the risk integrated with the principle of mindfulness and concentration cultivating makes it possible to accept actual risks. 3.2) the reduction/the control of the risk integrated with 4 Bhavanas encouraging Create knowledge and understanding of risk management 3.3) the distribution of the risk integrated with the principle of 7 Sappurisadhamas makes it possible to understand the risk situation and 3.4) to avoid the risk integrated with the principle of 4 Iddhipadhas and having mindfulness to consideration of the decision to cancel the activities to abandon the risk of the situation of COVID-19.

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How to Cite
Srilert, N., Phra Pidokkoson, & Ñāṇavipulo, P. P. (2024). BUDDHIST METHOD OF RISK MANAGEMENT IN COVID-19 OUTBREAK SITUATION OF PUBLIC HEALTH UNIT IN RATCHABURI. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(7), 298–307. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/275713
Research Articles


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