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The three main goals of this research are as follows: 1) examine issues surrounding the effective organizational management of municipalities in Trang Province; 2) combine aspects of Buddhist approaches to support effective organizational management of municipalities in Trang Province; and 3) establish an organization. Learn about Buddhist techniques to support Trang Province municipalities' effective organizational management. This study is qualitative in nature. By gathering data via documents 25 persons participated in in-depth interviews, and 10 people had a group discussion. Interviews and descriptive techniques data analysis were used as research tools. The study's findings revealed that: 1) Lack of planning, or operating without a plan, is a challenge for municipalities in Trang Province when it comes to effective organizational management. Organizational characteristics include a quick-witted, transparent management style, ethics, and the law. Aspects related to personnel, including knowledge and competence, duties and responsibilities, sacrifice, and functioning as a team. Control and command elements include the rotation of national executives. Modifications to local development policies Coordination, including involvement from both inside and outside the company components of reporting including methodical monitoring and components of budget management like value for money. 2) Elements of the Buddhist approach to support Trang Province municipalities' excellent organizational management. It was discovered that the Buddhist method's components are as follows: The Sappurisadhamma Principles 2.1) align with the principles of the Middle Path, the Four Noble Truths, and the Four Brahmaviharas. and 2.2) Good governance standards, which align with the ideas of bias 4 and secularism 4 Parihaniyadhamma and Saraniyadhamma 6 and 3) An understanding of Buddhist techniques to support Trang Province municipalities' excellent organizational management. It was discovered that incorporating fresh information, known as the COMRE Model-that is, C = Criteria-was effective. O = Opportunity (creates chances for) Merit (Morality) = M Role (as well as duty) = R E stands for effectiveness (the effectiveness principle).
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