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Thananchakorn Pakittawichit
Sukanya Aimimtham
Sukhumvit Saiyasopon
Thanapauge Chamaratana
Jakkrich Jearviriyaboonya


The objectives of this research were to 1) Evaluate the economic, social, and institutional impacts of the liver fluke and cholangiocarcinoma problem-solving project. 2) To demonstrate the value, cost-effectiveness, and utility derived from the utilization of research outputs. The study population consisted of individuals registered for liver fluke screening, residing in Kalasin Khon Kaen Maha Sarakham, and Roi Et provinces aged 40 years and above. The sample size was determined using a ready-made table, resulting in 752 participants. Utility measurement tools included the direct method Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and the indirect method EuroQoL (5Q-5D-5L). The value of willingness to pay was measured using the bidding method. The results showed that the mean VAS score was 76.90 (SD = 14.33) and the 5-dimension health status (5Q-5D-5L) indicated only slight discomfort. The calculated utility value reflecting daily quality of life was 0.89 (SD = 0.11). For abdominal ultrasound examination the values were not significantly different 77.12 (SD = 14.15) and 0.89 (SD = 0.109). The average willingness to pay for the rapid test kit was 187 baht per test, while for abdominal ultrasound it was 796 baht per examination. Reasons for unwillingness to pay included prices higher than personal willingness to pay due to limitations. It was suggested that these should be provided as basic rights in accessing health services for the benefit of the public. Stakeholders unanimously agreed that the project would benefit the public economically socially and culturally as well as institutionally. If the Ministry of Public Health and related agencies promote its genuine utilization both in policy and practice, it would maximize benefits to the public.

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How to Cite
Pakittawichit, T., Aimimtham, S., Saiyasopon, S., Chamaratana, T., & Jearviriyaboonya, J. (2024). SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT PROJECT ON CHOLANGIOCARCINOMA SCREENING AND CARE PROGRAM. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(8), 149–160. retrieved from
Research Articles


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