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The objectives of this research study are to 1) Study the needs and requirements for solving problems. Obstacles to the need for managing a shooting team and 2) Setting guidelines for managing a shooting team for excellence at the Thailand National Sports University. Using the research method, the research model uses quantitative methods and qualitative methods. It is in the nature of survey research. Sample group: 117 people, purposively selected The interview tool is structured. and P.O.C.C.C strategy questionnaire, actual conditions and expected conditions. Descriptive statistics used and compare the actual conditions and expected conditions using the Modified Priority needs index (PNI Modified) method. The results of the research found that 1) administrators and heads of sports offices Instructors and experts in shooting sports and athletes have the same order of opinions regarding command and command, No. 1 coordination, No. 2 organization management, No. 4 planning, No. 5 operational control. Third, all 3 groups had different opinions. 2) Resource management. It was found that planning, setting goals and strategies for training and competition that are appropriate to the goals of the team and planning long-term skill development. organization management There should be an appropriate organizational structure and clear division of responsibilities, creating plans and setting activities to suit needs and goals. Command and command You should create an atmosphere of unity and confidence within the team and clear work guidelines. Coordinate, create understanding and cooperation among team members to work together systematically. and operational control Should monitor and evaluate operations and develop work to meet goals.
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