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Parichat Taengnuealueang
Trakul Chitwattanakorn
Siam Atchariyaprapa


The objectives of this research were to study: 1) The marketing challenges and the need for digital marketing innovations in the construction business at JP Asia Innovation Company Limited. 2) The development of digital marketing innovations for the construction business at JP Asia Innovation Company Limited. This was a mixed method research both qualitative and quantitative research. Key informants consisted of 18 individuals selected through purposive sampling. The participants included business owners, sales department staff, sales assistants, salespeople, human resources personnel, and engineering department members. Semi-structured interviews were used and data were analyzed through content and descriptive analysis. For the focus group, consisting of 10 participants, a purposive selection method was used to include university professors in marketing, construction engineers with professional engineering licenses, the Managing Director of the company, the Head of Sales, a Sales Assistant, and the Head of Human Resources. Evaluation of the focus group data was conducted using mean and standard deviation analysis. The results revealed the following: 1) The marketing problems identified include the lack of modern marketing communication technology and promotional activities such as advertising and public relations. The company's image presentation is unclear, and employees lack foreign language communication skills. To advance digital marketing innovations in the construction industry, efforts should focus on developing advertising channels, improving public relations, utilizing foreign language promotion technology, enhancing operational skills through technology, and strengthening the marketing communications department. 2) The development of digital marketing innovations should include service and personnel development, as well as the development of marketing promotions and processes. The evaluation of marketing innovations found that, overall, they were appropriate, feasible, useful, and accurate at a high level.

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How to Cite
Taengnuealueang, P., Chitwattanakorn, T., & Atchariyaprapa, S. (2024). DIGITAL MARKETING INNOVATIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION BUSINESS IN JP ASIA INNOVATION COMPANY LIMITED. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(9), 94–102. Retrieved from
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