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Duanghathai Wutthitaweewat
Thitivadee Chaiyawat


The research aims to 1) Study of technology quality factors affecting the acceptance of insurance life technology (InsurTech). 2) Study the level of technology acceptance and decision-making trends in purchasing life insurance policies via applications. 3) Examining the consistency of technology quality and acceptance of InsurTech life insurance technology on the tendency of life insurance policy purchase decisions via applications model. 4) Study the influence of technology quality and acceptance of InsurTech life insurance technology on the tendency of consumers to make decisions to purchase life insurance policies via applications in Bangkok. This was quantitative research. The sample group consisted of 300 consumers who used insurance technology (InsurTech) through an insurance company application. Purposive selection and simple sampling were used. Data were collected by online questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics including mean, standard deviation, and hypotheses testing by Structural Equation Model Technique and path analysis. The results showed; 1) Technology quality factors affect the acceptance of insurance life technology (InsurTech) at a high level ( = 4.16).                  2) Technology acceptance at a high level ( = 4.25) and decision-making trends in purchasing life insurance policies via applications at a high level ( = 4.26). 3) Model of technology quality and acceptance of InsurTech life insurance technology on the tendency of life insurance policy purchase decisions via applications consistent with empirical data. 4) The influence of technology quality and acceptance of InsurTech life insurance technology on the tendency of consumers to make decisions to purchase life insurance policies via applications in Bangkok was statistically significant at the .05 level

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How to Cite
Wutthitaweewat, D., & Chaiyawat, T. (2024). THE EFFECT OF TECHNOLOGY QUALITY, INSURTECH ACCEPTANCE ON DECISION PURCHASING TREND FOR INSURANCE THROUGH APPLICATION. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(9), 245–254. Retrieved from
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