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Sanideth Kraithep
Phrakru ArunSutalangkarn (Preeda Buamuang)
Pairat Chimhad


This research aims to 1) analyze local development strategies, 2) develop local development strategies, and 3) convey local development strategies to transform Trang Municipality. It is a mixed - method research with contents in the areas of sustainable economic and tourism development, promotion and development of people’s quality of life, management system with innovation and good infrastructure, and environmental system that is livable and sustainable. The sample consists of 379 people in Trang Municipality community. Key informants include political officials, community leaders, local people, educational personnel, and public health personnel, totaling 21 people. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and questionnaires with questionnaire reliability of 0.94. Basic statistical data were analyzed including percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research results found that 1) The overall development according to the local development strategy is at a high level in the areas of sustainable environmental system development, promotion and development of people’s quality of life, sustainable economic and tourism development, and management system development with innovation and good infrastructure. 2) Strategy 1: Sustainable economic and tourism development from agricultural products and handicraft products, improving walking streets to organize markets, Strategy 2: Education, public health, health system development, and quality of life. Develop health services for people of all ages. Strategy 3: Implement a management system using innovation and new technologies in the management process. Strategy 4: Develop a sustainable environment that is livable and places importance on the environment. 3) Disseminate local development strategies: 4 strategies, 12 objectives, 41 strategies, 47 operational guidelines and 44 indicators.

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How to Cite
Kraithep, S., (Preeda Buamuang), P. A., & Chimhad, P. (2024). LOCAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY TO TRANSFORM THE TRANG MUNICIPALITY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(9), 177–188. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/276784
Research Articles


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