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Phrakru Sittisutakorn (Sumet Siddhimethi)


This academic article aims to present the creation of community enterprises to strengthen the grassroots economy. Overall, it is found that Thailand has economic structural problems that create social differences. This causes a gap in income and assets. It has a long-term impact on inequality and inequity in the community. n order to have a good quality of life, the government creates and encourages enterprises to occur in the community. Together with promoting the principles of sufficiency economy that give importance to people at the grassroots level to be able to rely on themselves. By participating in exchanging and helping each other in the community Community enterprises therefore play a part in promoting the local economy to be strong. It will cause the standard of living and well-being of the community to be improved. The Community Development Department is responsible for pushing Thai community enterprises to reach the world level stimulate and provide knowledge for entrepreneurs to learn and develop continuously in a modern way. Bringing the local wisdom that exists in the community to pass on It is about using what is available in the community to create additional value. Because Thailand has strong small and medium enterprises. Has high potential and can compete. Currently, the social structure has changed, so strategies must be adjusted, such as creating an online marketing platform. Creating an attractive brand The expected result is an increase in sales and income of community entrepreneurs. In order for marketing to have a good response from consumers, it must have reliable quality production standards as well. So that consumers accept and have convenience It promotes the strength of the community to be self-reliant. It creates jobs, creates income, and builds reputation for Thai people and the country together.

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How to Cite
(Sumet Siddhimethi), P. S. (2024). CREATE COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES TO STRENGTHEN THE GRASSROOTS ECONOMY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(9), 189–196. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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