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Prapalad chief Rakkhitthammo (Kaewnil)


This academic article aims to present Thai herbs moving forward to the world stage. With the response to the increasing demands of the world market Quality ingredients and herbal products are number 1 in Southeast Asia. Overall, it was found that for herbs to be developed into society, there must be driving forces from 3 sectors: 1) Government sector: The master plan under the national strategy (2018 - 2037) on the 16th grassroots economic issue will be an important mechanism in driving the national strategy to achieve its goals. The local community economy is promoted to be strong. Have the potential to compete able to rely on oneself realize the importance of local wisdom Thai medicinal plants will receive increased demand in the world market, 2) The private sector joins in creating medicinal plants into industrial businesses. For health and well-being, join us in investing in planting processing products to meet standards for sustainable marketing. Herbal plant products have been developed to become OTOP premium.

The community that owns the area must transfer knowledge and set up community enterprise groups for environmentally friendly production. This includes management, including personnel, budget, equipment, or the use of modern technology and efficient management. Let's take Thai herbs forward to the world stage, and 3) The community uses herbs for their daily living. Knowledge is transmitted through wisdom, the government sector has supported the private sector to invest, and the community has developed Thai herbs until they are in demand. Credibility has been built through research and innovation until it is a world-class business.

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How to Cite
(Kaewnil), P. chief R. (2024). THAI HERBS ADVANCE TO THE WORLD STAGE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(10), 311–320. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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