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The research objectives were to study the political conflicts, analyze the political conflicts and conflict solving in the Buddhist scriptures, and synthesize and integrate the solutions of Thai political and social conflicts, based upon the Buddhist principles. The study was conducted through the qualitative research from the documents and interviews. The key informants were twenty-eight experts; 1) Politics scholars and 2) Buddhism scholars. The research instruments used for data collection from documents and interviews consisted of the structured in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed through the descriptive explanation. The research findings revealed that the political conflicts were originated from the differences of opinions among the rulers, politicians and people, including the absence of social equality, interests, needs, and the differentiation of values. The results of the conflict analysis and the political conflict solution in the Buddhist scriptures disclosed that three Buddhist teachings were Aparihaniya-dhamma, Brahmavihara-dhamma, and Saraniya-dhamma, all of which were targeted to alleviate anger and hatred, to develop human minds and to have them understand each other. The new conflict-resolving way in the Buddhist scriptures was referred to good-will. For example, loving-kindness (Metta in Pali) had people accept and understand each other, compassion (Karuna in Pali) had people understand others’ suffering, attempt to make others free from suffering, and have good relationship with others, and equanimity assisted people to make a fair decision. The synthesis and integration of Buddhism-based political and social conflict solution through the principle of Aparihaniya-dhamma was aimed to response the needs of all sides. The Saraniya-dhamma-based synthesis led to human good relationship, and the Brahmavihara-dhamma-based synthesis to the conflict resolving gave rise to justice and transparency. These three Buddhist principles assisted to accumulate people’s ideas to generate the environment, in which people could sustainably understand, coordinate and justify to resolve the conflicts.
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