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Thirawut Saengmaneedech
Apiluck Thammawimutti
Pirun Chinachot
Apichet Khamlert
Nongluck Permchart
Kulaya Anulok


This research aimed to develop a structural equation model (SEM) to analyze the influence of supply chain management on the competitive advantage of frozen seafood businesses under the blue economy concept which was the concept to promote the sustainable use of marine and coastal resources. The study explored the causal relationships between resource management, production processes, distribution, and delivery. A meta-analysis and structural equation modeling approach was employed to analyze data from 45 related studies collected from online databases published in 2014 - 2024. The research instruments were research data form and a quality assessment form. The results showed that: 1) Resource management, production process and distribution had a statistically significant positive relationship with competitive advantage (r = 0.469, 0.260 and 0.2509, respectively) 2) Resource management and distribution had a statistically significant negative relationship with production process (r = -0.971 and -0.980, p < .05) 3) Production process and delivery had a statistically significant negative relationship with distribution (r = -0.956 and -0.952, p < .05) and 4) Delivery Had a statistically significant negative relationship with competitive advantage (r = -0.997, p < .05). The developed model could accurately explain the complex relationships between the factors in supply chain management that affect competitive advantage, with an accuracy rate of 92% which shows data consistency. This information can be applied to develop appropriate strategies for stakeholders in the frozen seafood industry aiming to enhance their competitiveness.

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How to Cite
Saengmaneedech, T., Thammawimutti, A., Chinachot, P., Khamlert, A., Permchart, N., & Anulok, K. (2024). META ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIC RELATIONSHIPS IN FROZEN SEAFOOD BUSINESS MANAGEMENT FOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE UNDER THE CONCEPT OF BLUE ECONOMY. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(11), 303–316. retrieved from
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