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Phrakru Nitithambundit (Suriya Kongkawai)
Pairat Chimhad
Prasit Ruknuiy
Wanida Mueanjan


This research article aimed to 1) Examine the current issues of waste management in environmentally friendly communities and 2) Propose approaches for waste management in environmentally friendly communities in Sadao Municipality, Songkhla Province. This research was qualitative, utilizing in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The researcher purposively selected key informants, including 1) 25 individuals such as municipal executives, sanitation academics, environmental health and public health specialists, private sector representatives, community leaders, and local residents, through targeted interviews; and 2) Eight individuals, including administrators, staff, and community leaders involved in waste management, through focus group discussions. Data were analyzed through descriptive analysis based on the context under study and the research objectives. The research findings revealed that 1) Community waste management primarily involved landfill disposal using municipal machinery for spreading and compacting. However, waste volume increased due to a lack of knowledge and awareness among some residents about future environmental risks, leading to pollution that impacts public health. Improper waste disposal degraded the landscape and reduced the quality of life for residents. 2) The proposed approaches for environmentally friendly waste management in Sadao Municipality, Songkhla Province, involving the community, private sector, and government agencies, included: 2.1) Promoting waste reduction and the use of reusable products; 2.2) Improving the efficiency of waste collection, transportation, and disposal systems; 2.3) Raising community awareness and encouraging participation in waste management processes; 2.4) Investing in necessary waste management infrastructure; and 2.5) Fostering collaboration among communities, government agencies, and the private sector.

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How to Cite
(Suriya Kongkawai), P. N., Chimhad, P., Ruknuiy, P., & Mueanjan, W. (2024). ECO-FRIENDLY COMMUNITY WASTE MANAGEMENT IN SONGKHLA PROVINCE. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(11), 284–292. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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