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Suthinan Suwanvijitr


This research aims to 1) know the level of factors affecting the election votes of members of the House of Representatives 2023 in Pathum Thani Province 2) To create a formula or equation for predicting election vote scores from 8 factors, Used a mixed methods research method. Quantitative research collects data by questionnaire. From a sample of 400 people, the confidence value was 0.892, data were analyzed using statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, ANOVA and Multiple regression analysis. and qualitative research Data were collected using an interview form. from key informants there were 10 people, analyzed using content analysis. The research results revealed that 1) Quantitative research results Level of factors affecting decision making the overall picture is at the highest level (equation  = 4.28). The weighted score of factors affecting decision making has an average of 85.51. Analysis of the relationship between personal factors. It was found that voters of different occupations and constituencies make decisions significantly differently at the 0.05 level. Multiple regression analysis of the factors influencing decision-making. It was found that candidate's personal qualifications, party policies, name of the proposed prime minister candidate, information awareness. affects the receipt of votes significantly at the 0.05 level, a forecast equation can be created as follows. Election winner = 14.307(Constant value) + 0.383 (party policies) + 0.391 (candidate's personal qualifications) + 0.198 (name of the proposed prime minister candidate) - 0.156 (information awareness) 2) Qualitative research results found that from interviews with key informants, most of them explained that candidate's personal qualifications, party policies, name of the proposed prime minister candidate, information awareness, patronage system and interpersonal relationships, affects the receipt of votes.

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How to Cite
Suwanvijitr, S. (2024). FACTORS AFFECTING THE ELECTION VOTES OF MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2023 IN PATHUM THANI PROVINCE, THAILAND. Journal of Social Science and Cultural, 8(11), 328–339. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JSC/article/view/278675
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