Promoting Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship: A Comparative Study of Triple Helix Regional Outreach in Thai and UK Universities


  • Suteera Chanthes Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham, Thailand


Industry 4.0, Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship, Regional Engagement, Triple Helix Model, University Outreach


This article aimed to provide an empirical comparative study of university outreach of two selected universities, one from the UK and one from Thailand, for promoting knowledge-based entrepreneurship (KBE) in local enterprises. This empirical research was a comparative case study employing the triple helix (TH) model of university-government-industry collaborations to create the investigative boundary. This model has been utilized to promote knowledge-based economic development in countries worldwide, including the UK and Thailand. It helps foster economic development following the Industry 4.0 concept adopted in the two countries, in which innovation development and knowledge networks are the key drivers to add value to the economies. Public universities are expected to deliver knowledge through outreach and academic services to help encourage innovation development. However, little attention has been paid to examining how these work in the different systems of developed and developing countries. This qualitative grounded theory research used semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis as the data collection instruments. It was discovered that the UK and Thai universities could promote KBE in local enterprises through the TH regional outreach. However, the different systems led this study to find lessons Thailand could learn from a more developed system to enhance its performance. First, top-down TH implication was suitable for regional outreach for KBE promotion in small local agricultural enterprises. Second, systematic nonlinear institutional organization was essential for developing entrepreneurial university characteristics to help promote the TH implication for university engagement and outreach delivery.


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