Which is More Important? : Mediating Role of Distributive Justice Versus Interpersonal Justice


  • Idsaratt Rinthaisong Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
  • Suwimon Buathong Innovation and Management College, Songkhla Rajabhat University, Thailand


Mediating Variable, Perceived Distributive Justice, Perceived Interactional Justice, Transformational Leadership, Organizational Citizenship Behavior


Perceived justice is a variable with an important role in linking other variables to desired employee behaviors. The objective of this study was, to investigate the mediating role of perceived organizational justice in the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational citizen behavior among government employees in the Four southern border provinces of Thailand. Stratified random sampling in each of the provinces was conducted to recruit 242 subjects. The research instrument was a questionnaire containing questions addressing four variables: organizational citizen justice, perceived distributive justice interactional justice, and transformational leadership. The study found that when perceived distributive justice and perceived interactional justice were tested using separate models, the two variables were found to play partial mediating roles in the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior. However, when the two variables were tested together, only interpersonal justice was found to play an important mediating role. This indicates that perceived justice derived from the relationship between leaders and followers where leaders recognize and respect followers is more important than rewards in exchange relationships. The results of the study revealed that even though rewards are important, good relationships between leaders and followers is more important. It is advisable for policymakers to give greater importance to how people perceive fairness in interpersonal rather than how they perceive fairness in the distribution.


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