The Mental Development in Abhidhamma Pitaka Course The Mental Development in Abhidhamma Pitaka Course

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Rangsey Peykaeo
Phra Kittipong
Phra Kamolrat Taileelais
Phromphong Pandee


This academic paper aims to study the mental development in Abhidhamma Pitaka course. There are the four objectives; 1) To study the mean of mental development in Abhidhamma Pitaka. 2) To study practices the mental development. 3) To know the Benefits to be gained by the practice of the foundations of mindfulness. Satipatthana means consciousness, knowing continually, or focusing on concentration. When consciousness continues proceeding with the same concentration, the samadhi is the determination of the dharma-state to appear. Then the wisdom with insight the dhamma as it really is, and will arise naturally.

The four foundations of mindfulness

1) Mindfulness of the body / contemplation of the body; parts of the body,

2) Mindfulness of the feelings / contemplation of the feelings; happy / pain / neutral / carnal / spiritual.

3) Mindfulness of mind / contemplation of mind; greedy.

4) Mindfulness of mind-objects/ contemplation of mind-objects; The five dhamma groups; Hindrances 5, Aggregates 5, Sense-Bases 12, Enlightenment Factors 7 ,The Four Noble Truths.

The consequence of the practice of setting up these 4 mindfulness, will be the cause for achieving one of these results. Therefore, the development of the psyche (Mental Practices) in the Abhidhamma Pitaka is the practice of introspection (Vipassana) according to the four foundations of mindfulness. There is a concrete and abstract and middle path (Majjhima Patipada) as being the way to nirvana.

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How to Cite
Peykaeo, R., Homdok, K., Taileelais, K. ., & Pandee, P. . (2022). The Mental Development in Abhidhamma Pitaka Course: The Mental Development in Abhidhamma Pitaka Course. MBU Humanities Academic Journal, 14(1), 15–34. Retrieved from
Academic Articles