Utilizing Technology For Buddhist Instruction

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aphidej supha
Phra Somporn Namin
Chatree Suksabay


          Technology plays an important role in promoting learning and educational development today. Using technology in teaching Buddhism is considered an interested and effective method which helps students access Buddhist content and knowledge more conveniently, quickly, and efficiently. Technology can be applied to teaching Buddhism includes information and communication technology (ICT) such as computers, the Internet, online learning media, interactive learning media, etc. These technologies can be used in teaching Buddhism in many different ways, such as using online learning media. Using interactive learning media and the use of technology for communication and interaction in teaching Buddhism still has some limitations and obstacles, such as the availability of technological equipment and tools, the skills of using technology of teachers and students, including content and media on technology. To solve problems and obstacles in using technology in teaching Buddhism, so it is necessary to have guidelines for promotion and support as follows. Providing adequate and appropriate equipment and technological tools and developing to use technology skills of students and teachers, Production and development of Buddhist content and learning media using technology Guidelines for using technology in teaching Buddhism include using technology appropriately in teaching Buddhism can solve problems and obstacles in using technology in teaching Buddhism that students can access Buddhist content and knowledge more efficiently.

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How to Cite
supha, aphidej, Namin, P. S., & Suksabay, C. (2023). Utilizing Technology For Buddhist Instruction. MBU Humanities Academic Journal, 15(2), 57–67. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JoMbuHu/article/view/268904
Academic Articles


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