Analyzing Linguistic Concepts for Designing Learning Management in The Topic of Verb Types for Third-grade Elementary School Students.

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Wattanaporn Boonshu


          This academic article presents the results of an analysis of linguistic concepts related to Thai grammar, specifically focusing on the types of verbs. The study includes traditional grammar concepts from Phraya Upakit Silapasarn, structural grammar from Wijin Panupong, transformational grammar from Udom Warotesikdit, semantic grammar from Amara
Prasitrattasin, and the new grammar approach from Navawan Phanthumetha. The analysis compares these concepts with the Thai language textbook series, "Basic Thai Language Foundations Volume 3," and evaluates their suitability for third-grade elementary school students.

          The findings indicate that linguistic concepts related to Thai grammar, specifically verb types, align with the content of the mentioned textbook series. These concepts encompass structural grammar, transformational grammar, semantic grammar, and the new grammar approach. Among these, the grammatical structures and semantic grammar are found to be most suitable for third-grade students. Subsequently, the analyzed content is used to design a learning activity titled "Fishing for Verbs" for third-grade elementary school students.

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How to Cite
Boonshu, W. (2023). Analyzing Linguistic Concepts for Designing Learning Management in The Topic of Verb Types for Third-grade Elementary School Students. MBU Humanities Academic Journal, 15(2), 78–97. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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