Pathom Bodhikan : principles, ideologies, methods of propagating Buddhism in the early days

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Montthien Montrepibooly


When the Lord Buddha became enlightened, he enjoyed liberation at the Sri Maha Bodhi tree for 7 weeks and then went to bless the monks at the Isipat Maruekhathaiyawan Forest. He gave his first sermon on the 15th day of the waxing moon of the 8th lunar month (Asalaha month) called the Dharma ChakkappavattanaSutta. while preaching the Dharma Lord Kondhana gained the Dharma eye. is to attain the Sotaban asked to be ordained in the Dharma Vinaya Phra Anya Kondanya is therefore the first monk in Buddhism. and gave a second sermon titled Anatta Lakana Sutra Please Panchawak Key to succeed as an arahant and please Yos and friends to succeed as arahants, number 60 and it is during the end of the Buddhist Lent The Buddha considered it appropriate to go out and proclaim the religion widely. Therefore, the Buddha commanded all 60 disciples to pilgrimage  to propagate Buddhism. by letting go alone In the first proclamation of the Bodhisattva from enlightenment until the observance of the Patimokkha is during the 1-2th Lent of the Buddha. The proclamation of that religion made the sons of children in various lands, especially Bihar, which had King Bimbisara as patron. Turned to believe in Buddhism and asked for a lot of ordination The Buddha laid down the principles ideology and method of systematic propagation of religion First officially enshrined Buddhism It is an amazingly effective propagation of religion. thus

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How to Cite
Montrepibooly, M. . (2024). Pathom Bodhikan : principles, ideologies, methods of propagating Buddhism in the early days. Journal of MBU Humanities, 16(2), 44–57. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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