World when revolving with Narrative: The power of narrative and shaping the reality for “The Surreal Country”

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ภูริณัฐ พฤกษ์เนรมิตร


This article aims to study the power of narratives within Pongwut Rujirachakorn's novel "The Surreal Country". Used a qualitative research approach, the study examined how narratives were constructed through a blend of truth and deception to shape new narratives that can influence, persuade, or even coerce the audience into submission under the storyteller's control. The analysis revealed that the construction of narratives representation a society where individual identities were intertwined with the digital realm, and narratives exert a profound impact on human existence, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. The study underscored the crucial role of critical thinking in navigating contemporary society. Furthermore, the study explored the power of the narrator through the politics of storytelling, highlighting the manipulation and fabrication employed to craft narratives that align with the storyteller's agenda. It also examine the power struggles over narrative spaces. In conclusion, this investigation into the power of narratives in literature served as a catalyst for readers to question narratives, their creators, and the surrounding influences. By exposing the power wielded through language and storytelling, the study promotes awareness and encourages truly independent thought.

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How to Cite
พฤกษ์เนรมิตร ภ. (2024). World when revolving with Narrative: The power of narrative and shaping the reality for “The Surreal Country”. MBU Humanities Academic Journal, 16(2), 31–43. Retrieved from
Academic Articles


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