ไวรัสโคโรนา 2019 (COVID-19) ระหว่างข้อกังขาของมนุษย์กับสัจธรรมแห่งพระเจ้า

"Corona Virus 2019" (COVID-19) : Between the Doubt of Man and the Truth of God


  • Cheloh Khaekphong สถาบันอิสลามเเละอาหรับศึกษา


Covid-19, Natural disaster, Truth of God


Amid the epidemic of a new species of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is still spreading information about Covid-19 whether the true information and information that may not be summarized as true or false.  Especially, information about the cause or the source of the disease is still an issue that being debated among academics so it affects to the community. This article aims to address the issue that is the human doubt as well as studying about the truth of God. The information obtained by the Quran verses, Sunnah, data from documents, websites and various online media. Found that the source and cause of Covid-19 disease is still a doubt among human whether it comes from wildlife or from laboratories. However, it confirm that is one of the truth of God, which has been announced in the Qur'an that human are the cause of the destruction of this world.  Disease and natural disasters cant happen except as required by God. Degenerate behavior of human that is not indifferent to the commands of God so causing the human world to face various punishments and trials endlessly.


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How to Cite

Khaekphong, C. (2020). ไวรัสโคโรนา 2019 (COVID-19) ระหว่างข้อกังขาของมนุษย์กับสัจธรรมแห่งพระเจ้า: "Corona Virus 2019" (COVID-19) : Between the Doubt of Man and the Truth of God. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 1(1), 1–16. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/M-JICI/article/view/249999



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