The Problems of Teaching Arabic Language for Communication Purpose to Non–Arabic Speakers and Solutions


  • Abdulramae Sulong


The Problems of Teaching Arabic Language for Communication, Non–Arabic Speakers, Solutions


This research aimed to study 1) the problems of teaching Arabic language for communication to non-Arabic speakers 2) the way how to solve the problems of teaching Arabic language for communication to non–Arabic speakers which suitable with non-Arabic speaker students. The informants were 8 Arabic language instructors and the sample group used in the experiment was 20 students in the Arabic language program, Yala Rajabhat University. The research instruments were interview and test, behavior observation form. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean and standard deviation and content analysis and hypothesis testing using t-test statistics. The results of the research were; 1) Problems in Arabic language instruction of non-native learners according to the opinions of Arabic teachers were the teachers lacked communication skills in Arabic, lack of practice in using Arabic for communication using various methods. Secondly, the learners were not interested in learning Arabic for communication. The next issue was the schools do not have enough media for the number of learners and outdated. Another next issue was the schools do not have native speakers, which caused the students had no opportunity to use Arabic for communication continuously. 2)  The way to solve the problems of teaching Arabic is the teachers need to teach using teaching packages that emphasize different pronouns, authoring pronouns or adjectives, popular pronouns or pronouns indicate the specific prepositions, as well as the use of nouns and verbs in various forms that are used in everyday life. It should start with the main pronouns because the pronouns will be the subjects of the sentence and other words will be changed according to the subjects. 3) Learners who were managed by learning to practice Arabic language for communication had higher achievement after studying than before studying statistical significance at the level of .01


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How to Cite

Sulong, A. . (2020). The Problems of Teaching Arabic Language for Communication Purpose to Non–Arabic Speakers and Solutions. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 1(1), 53–64. retrieved from



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