Lessons of the Animal Analogy in the Holy Quran


  • Abdulhafiz Doloh Academy of Islamic and Arabic Studies


Lesson, The analogy, The animals in the Holy Quran


This study was a qualitativee research that the purpose of the research were 1) to study the verses in the Holy Quran about animals. 2) To study the lessons from the analogy of animal in the Holy Quran. It is collected the data from two sources. Primary data, are the Holy Quran, the Translation of al-Quran and the Hadith. The secondary data are the book about the animals and the plant that were stated in the Holy Quran, text books and the data from internet. This research analysis the data by interpret, follow with confirm the document. The result of the study found show that : 1) there are 27 kinds of animal were identified in 79 verses of the Holy Quran. It is divided to 6 types of animals. There are 12 types of four-legged land animals, 39 verses. There are 4 types of poultry animals, 23 verses, 4 verses of fish, frog-type amphibians, 1 verse, snake-type reptiles, 3 verses and 7 types of insects and insects, 9 verses. 2) Analogy is the one of literary style as the language of the Holy Quran. It is easy to understand and it educate the virtue and morality. Most of animals analogy in the Holy Quran relate about faith more than practical. There are 7 kinds of animal that are choose to compared in the Holy Quran are camels, donkies, dogs, spiders, grasshoppers, house flies and gnats.


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How to Cite

Doloh, A. (2022). Lessons of the Animal Analogy in the Holy Quran. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 3(1), 69–79. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/M-JICI/article/view/256134



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