The Extent of Commitment of Phillip Takaful Companies with Regulations Legitimacy (Applied Study)


  • Sufian Bosu Department of Syariah, Princess of Naradhiwas University


The extent, Takaful, Regulation legitimacy


This research aims to talk about the Islamic insurance companies in terms of their origin, development and the regulation. This study of its applications provided by the following Muang Thai Company, Fillip Company and Tipaya Company from the side Islamic law and this is in view of the activities that companies carry out in investing their money. The researcher relied on the inductive approach. The analytical approach and the applied approach. In collecting information and scientific material on a set of sources references and contemporary research for addition to some data collected during personal interviews with people concerned with the subject. The researcher communicated in this study that the activities carried out by the companies are not committed to Shariah which leads to the cause of a defect in the contract and submit to commercial companies which is considered un-Islamic whereas these meanings were not included in the contracts concluded between the two parties and the meanings were not included in the terms of the contract and it solves many problems and suspicions facing the commercial insurance contract as for its products it is offered through Islamic windows in commercial insurance companies even the programs are many and varied and this needs further development with the need to establish Islamic insurance or takaful companies in the country of Thailand independently.


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How to Cite

Bosu, S. (2023). The Extent of Commitment of Phillip Takaful Companies with Regulations Legitimacy (Applied Study). MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 4(2), 127–140. Retrieved from



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