Factors affecting consent to disclose personal information of commercial banking application users in Bangkok Metropolitan region

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Ngamphan Sumoolwhech
Dararat Sukkaew


The purpose of this research was to identify the factors affecting consent to disclose personal information of users of commercial banking applications in Bangkok Metropolitan Region.  The conceptual framework of Privacy Calculus Theory was applied to determine the conceptual framework of this research. This is a quantitative research using a questionnaires as a tool for data collection, a convenience selection method was used from 435 commercial banking application users, and multiple linear regression was used as a tool for data analysis.

This research result revealed that the factors affecting consent to disclose personal information of commercial banking application users in Bangkok metropolitan region, consisting of 1) value of disclosure resulting from benefit, positive emotion, negative emotion. 2) trust in organization, and 3) trust in system resulting from trust in organization. The sample group of commercial banking application users focus to the factor of trust in organization the most importance. Because there is trust in the commercial bank that develops the application will take care the financial transactions are according to the contract, can be tracked, and consider the maximum benefit of the service users resulting in consent to the disclosure of personal information.

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How to Cite
Sumoolwhech, N. ., & Sukkaew, D. (2023). Factors affecting consent to disclose personal information of commercial banking application users in Bangkok Metropolitan region. RMUTP Journal of Business and Innovation Management, 2(1), 8–22. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RMUTP_JBI/article/view/265593
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