The Integrated Marketing Communication and Service Quality Affect the Decision Making of Natchayaporn Mansion

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Supaluck Rotjanatanoochai
Sirikarnda Yaemkong
Pasiri Khetpiyarat


This Article aimed to study 1) level of communication in integrated marketing communication, service quality, and customer decision-making of the tenants of Natchayaporn Mansion, Amphur Muang, Uttaradit and 2) integrated marketing communication and service quality that impacted customer decision-making of the tenants of Natchayaporn Mansion, Amphur Muang, Uttaradit. This research was quantitative research. The population was the current 130 tenants and 100 people who used to be the tenants. The total population was 230 people. The sample was collected from 146 people. The data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The research results were found as follows;

The respondents perceived integrated marketing communication, service quality, and customer decision-making of the tenants of Natchayaporn Mansion in high important in overall. When considered by aspects, it found that integrated marketing communication and customer decision-making of the tenants of Natchayaporn were high importance, while quality of service was very important in aspects of customer confidence, customer responsiveness, customer trust. Service quality was considered high important in the aspects of knowing and understanding customer, and tangible service.

The result of hypothesis testing at significance level of 0.05 found that integrated marketing communication in term of online marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, public relation, and direct marketing had impact in customer decision-making to rent Natchayaporn Mansion. Service quality that had impact in customer decision-making to rent Natchayaporn Mansion was knowing and understanding customer, customer confidence, tangible service, and customer responsiveness.

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How to Cite
Rotjanatanoochai, S. ., Yaemkong, S. ., & Khetpiyarat, P. . . (2022). The Integrated Marketing Communication and Service Quality Affect the Decision Making of Natchayaporn Mansion. RMUTP Journal of Business and Innovation Management, 1(2), 20–33. Retrieved from
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