Marketing Mix for Sustainable Development

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Karanpat Imprasert


A new era of modern marketing, marketers require to figure out how to market in order to get the most out of it. The determination of business success was to develop marketing Mix in accordance with market demands and consumer demands, to develop the elements of sustainable development without expecting too much profit, and to show responsibility to society and the environment. A marketing Mix for sustainable development.  These consisted of 1) products and services should be continually developed, which make the product difficult to imitate and must be environmental friendly; 2) price should set the price of the product that represents the value and customers are willing to pay for such innovative products; 3) distribution channels should be connected by internet and networking to enable effective use of online communication channels, easy to access, easy to use, convenient, fast; and 4) marketing promotion should be proactive and efficiently bring consumers to us in new ways through social media.

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How to Cite
Imprasert, K. . (2022). Marketing Mix for Sustainable Development. RMUTP Journal of Business and Innovation Management, 1(2), 81–89. Retrieved from
Academic article


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