A Study of Consumer Behavior and Marketing Mix that Influences the Decision to Buy a Savings Lottery Ticket of Government Housing Bank, Sukhothai Branch.

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samita sittisak
Akachai Apisakkul


This research aims to: 1) compare the demographic factors that affect the decision to buy lottery tickets from the Sukhothai branch of the Government Housing Bank, 2) compare the factors related to consumer behavior that influence the decision to purchase lottery tickets from the Sukhothai branch of the Government Housing Bank, and 3) study the marketing mix that has an impact on the decision to buy lottery tickets from the Sukhothai branch of the Government Housing Bank. The research analyzed data from 400 customers who purchased Government Housing Bank savings lottery tickets at the Sukhothai branch. Frequency, percentage, average, and standard deviation were used in statistical analysis. T-test, One-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis were used to test the research hypothesis. The study found that gender, age, occupation, income, and education significantly influenced the decision to purchase Government Housing Bank tickets at a .05 level of significance. The study analyzed the factors that influence consumer behavior when purchasing tickets from the Government Housing Bank, Sukhothai Branch. These factors include the purpose, budget, frequency, and holding period of the tickets. The study also found that these factors had a significant impact on the decision to buy tickets, based on the analysis of the lottery ticket sales data. Government Housing Bank lotteries, Sukhothai branch, along with market mix factors influence buying decisions with 70.6 percent statistical significance at 0.05

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How to Cite
sittisak, samita, & Apisakkul, A. (2024). A Study of Consumer Behavior and Marketing Mix that Influences the Decision to Buy a Savings Lottery Ticket of Government Housing Bank, Sukhothai Branch. RMUTP Journal of Business and Innovation Management, 3(1), 25–39. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RMUTP_JBI/article/view/269730
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