Solutions to Solve the Problem of Delays in Loan Operations by Government Housing Bank Employees. Bangkok Metropolitan Region Branch 1, Bangkok - North District

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laxsanaporn Nookong
Anuchat Chamchong


     Study of solutions to solve the problem of delays in loan operations of Government Housing Bank employees. Bangkok and Metropolitan Branch 1, Bangkok - North area, with the objective of gathering problems. and find solutions to solve the problem of delays in employees' credit operations. which is qualitative research Data was collected by means of interviews (Interview) from 12 loan officers and observational data were collected. (Observation) under the fish bone diagram tool, it was found that the real causes are expected to lead to delays in employees' credit operations, consisting of 3 areas: 1. Management within the organization.               2. Personnel aspect 3. Machinery and office equipment The researcher has taken the causes of operational delays and analyzed each option with the organization's situation. And the current operating policy is found in 3 approaches, consisting of the first approach being total quality management (Total Quality Management), the second approach being personnel management work planning (Strategic human resource planning), and the last approach being planning the management of machinery and spare parts equipment. (Strategic machine and spare parts planning) which is an appropriate practice to use within the organization. By managing within the organization with a clear work process and system of procedures. Makes credit services quick and more efficient This results in reducing errors in each step and reducing delays in the work of credit employees.

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How to Cite
Nookong, laxsanaporn, & Chamchong, A. (2024). Solutions to Solve the Problem of Delays in Loan Operations by Government Housing Bank Employees. Bangkok Metropolitan Region Branch 1, Bangkok - North District. RMUTP Journal of Business and Innovation Management, 3(1), 40–54. Retrieved from
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