Strategies for Increasing the Sales of ABC Life Insurance Products at the Tao Poon Branch Sold Through a Certain Bank Channel

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suthida thongsiri
Rinrada Sangbua


     This research aims to: (1) study the behavior selection of ABC Life Insurance products, (2) compare behaviors influencing the selection of ABC Life assurance products, and (3) investigate ways to increase sales of ABC Life Assurance products at Tao Poon Branch, sold through the bank channel. This study is a mixed - methods study. The sample group includes customers using services at the Tao Poon branch, along with 30 employees from the bank and key information, along 10 employees from the Tao Poon branch. The study employed questionnaires and semi-structured in-depth interviews Data analysis using percentages, means, and standard deviation, ANOVA and content analysis were also conducted. The study found that: (1) the most customers purchasing ABC Life Insurance products have whole life insurance. They typically hold two policies with a limit of 100,000 - 500,000 baht, lasting no more than 5 years. These policies are acquired through insurance agents with the objective of seeking higher returns than bank deposits. (2) Factors influencing the decision to purchase life insurance were found to be overall at a high level. (3) Motivation for purchasing ABC Life Insurance products was also found to be at a high level. (4) The hypothesis testing results found that differing behaviors do not significantly affect the overall decision to purchase ABC life insurance products. (5) Guidelines for increasing sales revealed that the bank should offer a diverse range of products for the age group of 60 years and above. Strategies should be promoted by organizing promotions to attract customers. Develop access to ABC life insurance products and promote marketing by giving gifts or rewards to life insurance buyers. Employees should enhance their knowledge and skills to provide excellent service to customers through distinctive and user-friendly service locations.

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How to Cite
thongsiri, suthida, & Sangbua, R. (2024). Strategies for Increasing the Sales of ABC Life Insurance Products at the Tao Poon Branch Sold Through a Certain Bank Channel. RMUTP Journal of Business and Innovation Management, 3(1), 55–68. Retrieved from
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