Analysis of Management Science through 11 Cognitive Skills Learned from Go Game


  • Lapon Jirasophin Department of General Education, Panyapiwat Institute of Management


Go is an ancient Chinese board game, containing management science and philosophies which are useful in work and real life. It has been learned among philosophers and administrators for a long time. In 2016, Go was back on spot because of the news of Artificial Intelligence (AI) “AlphaGo”, which had been developed to win against the world’s best Go player. Even though the game was made thousands years ago with simple rules, the game itself is very complex and containable of modern and applicable notions. That makes Go become even more interesting and worth to learn. Playing Go will develop multiple skills such as calculation, resources management, problem solving, and accepting and learning from mistakes. It is comparable to never-ending lifelong learning. This article discussed “11 Cognitive Skills learned from Go game”, mentioning about notions that players can learn from Go which can be applied to real life and business by analyzing management science through theories and case studies. So far, Go Association of Thailand has been introducing Go in Thailand for over 30 years, especially to youngsters and working age population. The Go Association of Thailand encourages players to improve their playing skills, and more importantly, and to be aware of benefits from learning Go such as self-development and thinking skills improvement.





